
Keeping the junk alive, beautiful, and giving it a new life.  I love decorating with junk - both the trendy and the unusual.  I get weird looks when I ask people if I can have some rusty bucket from their shed or if I can have some junk I found on their rock pile. 

Decorating with junk is very trendy right now.  Google it and you'll be inundated with results.  I'm sure it's a combination of the economy taking a crap and the "go green" movement.  It's cheaper to repurpose old furniture than buy new.  And it's not only environmentally friendly to recycle, repurpose, and reuse, it's pretty much a requirement now.  But I'll be honest, I don't junk out of necessity or devotion to the planet.  Don't get me wrong, I love Mother Earth as much as the next guy and I believe in conservation.  But she's going to be here long after I and my shabby decor are gone.  Nope, I junk because I like the way it looks and I adore the sentimental value each every item has.  Or had.  A long, long time ago.  Before it was junk.

My husband and I are about to start finishing off the lower level of our home, and I'm determined to do as much of the work as possible using primarily repurposed materials.  Junk, that is.  It's like a challenge, and I'm going to document it.  And maybe some folks will pick up a few ideas, regardless of what their motivation is.  Sure, we'll save a few bucks which is definitely a plus, but I'm stoked to begin.  I can't wait to see what I can discover, repurpose, and bring into my home. 

In the meantime, I'll keep junkin' up the upstairs and we'll see how it spills over into the basement.